Category: General

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Transit authorities hiring more security guards

In recent years, a notable surge in violence on public transit in Canada has raised concerns about passenger safety. The data is spotty and not at all standardized across regions, but researchers have noted a distinct spike in violent incidents over the past few years — particularly after the COVID-19…



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Transit authorities hiring more security guards

In recent years, a notable surge in violence on public transit in Canada has raised concerns about passenger safety. The data is spotty and not at all standardized across regions,…
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5 common types of security guard jobs

Security guards or agents are needed in many different settings, whether it be commercial buildings, parking enforcement, healthcare facilities or hospitals, correctional facilities, or airport security. While the main duties…
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Everything you need to know to become a Canadian security professional

Getting a career in the security industry is easier than you think. This in-depth guide will explain the ins and outs of working in the security industry and how you…
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Airport security: Why it may be the right job for you

With a job in security, you can find yourself working with a variety of different organizations. The possibilities are numerous ⁠— from monitoring a parking lot to airport security, jobs…
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10 codes used by Canadian security guards

Security professionals across Canada utilize a radio communication system to properly and effectively protect private property and the general public on a daily basis. The Association of Public Safety Communication…
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A new Canadian’s guide to security guard jobs

Welcome to Canada! Now that you are here, you’ll be looking for a career so you can comfortably support your family as you integrate into Canadian culture. There are many…
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8 essential pieces of security guard equipment

Modern security guard equipment is designed to help security professionals complete their job to the highest possible standard. These 8 pieces of gear are essential for any security guard to…
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How you can get a better security guard salary

It's possible for you to make more as a security guard in Canada There’s more demand for certified security guards than there are qualified people to fill those jobs… and…
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Best jobs for veterans: The security sector

Individuals employed by the Canadian military have one of the hardest and most important jobs in Canada. Time in the military provides many different skills and experiences that can only…
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